Management Solutions for Permanent Haul Roads
We offer a total road management system which has been refined over the past 40 years and has been proven to yield the most productive haul roads at the lowest life-cycle cost.
Our exclusive bitumen and polymer products are specifically designed to bind and stabilise in-situ wearing course materials on permanent haul roads.
We offer tailored solutions for permanent and heavy hauling roads. Furthermore, our unique maintenance system is designed to ensure that the on-going road quality is optimised and therefore the available benefits maximised.
Our opencast permanent haul roads maintenance system comprises of:
- Sweeping for dust control, contamination and loose material on the treated surface
- Maintenance application of product to control dust and eliminate water ingress into the surface
- Skimming of the treated surface with a grader to remove heavy contamination and loose material
- Re-scarifying of the running surface to maintain the integrity of the sealed layer and to retain adequate surface texture properties
- Pothole repairing
- Repairing of failed sections of road
- Repairing of damaged sections of road
Benefits of using Dust-A-Side’s permanent haul road management solutions:
- 90% operational dust reduction
- Over 90% water savings
- Safer roads due to improved visibility
- Operational cost savings and efficiencies due to the reduced need for water bowsers
- Increased productivity through faster cycle times (up to 30% reduction in rolling resistance)
- Less wet-weather delays due to faster road drying times, improved wet-weather trafficability and fewer washouts
- Lower initial construction costs when building new roads
- Operational cost savings through a reduced need for graders and other road maintenance equipment, as well as regular replenishment of surface wearing course material
- Reduction in fuel consumption of 5% (on average)
- Improved tyre life and equipment component life
- Safer haulage conditions due to the reduced likelihood of uncontrolled vehicle movements
- Reduced road roughness, leading to lower maintenance costs for mobile equipment and health and safety benefits for operators